Will fighter jets supplied by Poland physically enter Ukraine by 10 March 2022?
resolved Mar 11
This market resolves positively if reliable sources report that fighter jets supplied by Poland physically enter Ukraine by 10 March 2022 11:59 PM local Ukraine time. Must be corroborated by multiple reliable sources, i.e., international media other than Ukrainian or Russian sources. Jets may be flown or transported by any other method, by nationals of any country including Ukraine, but they must be jets physically transferred from Poland's possession into the physical territory of the Ukraine. Planes in Polish possession flying over Ukraine but not landing in Ukraine will resolve this market with YES. Companion market asking the same question for 17 March 2022. https://manifold.markets/BenSmith/will-fighter-jets-supplied-by-polan-19a874a509b0 https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-surprised-polands-decision-give-it-fighter-jets-ukraine-2022-03-08/ If a plane is transferred by Poland to the possession of a third country, and then into Ukraine, for the purposes of this contract, that will still fulfill the condition of "fighter jets supplied by Poland physically enter Ukraine", because the jet was still supplied by Poland with the intention it is transferred to Ukraine, regardless of whether Poland publicly acknowledges this intention. The plane must still enter Ukraine by the deadline set in the market.
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