Recommend niche, highly specialized YouTube channels that are very valuable but may be unknown
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These are the small, niche channels I can quickly list off. They do not necessarily reflect my beliefs, so I am not endorsing them in that sense, but they have useful information. Obviously, niche channels will tend to skew biased towards niche movements and beliefs, so do not ignore bigger channels if you decide to go down a rabbit hole.











-Bad YouTube channel, but good substack:

Biblical Scholarship:



YouTube is generally not a good source for these topics in particular, so I recommend using these channels to find good book and articles. Some of these channels are run by scholars, so check out their works. You can easily find their critics too.

Law channel focusing on tech and video games:

Video game animation:

Synthesizer music creation:

Older philosophy channel:
Jan Misali, he's a guy who reviews conlangs as well as making videos on other assorted intellectual topics. My personal favorite video of his is this one on extended definitions of the regular polyhedra

Very valuable how, and to whom? David Bull's channel is great, I love it, has a lot of info you can't find anywhere else at all, but it is, as requested, very niche, so -

Do you want *really* unknown? is about classic books and it has a funny, high-effort presentation style.