Will more than 10,000$ worth of mana be donated by the end of April?
resolved Apr 25

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Pinging @Bayesian for resolution please

@chrisjbillington sorry, thanks, idk why I missed those notifs

Whelp, I was wrong to be skeptical. Resolves YES @Bayesian

I don't know where you can get stats on the site other than the cumulative total, but here's a supabase query for the amounts (in mana) of all donations in April (UTC), they sum to Ṁ1.4 million at time of writing, or US$14k:

$ curl -s 'https://pxidrgkatumlvfqaxcll.supabase.co/rest/v1/txns?apikey=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzdXBhYmFzZSIsInJlZiI6InB4aWRyZ2thdHVtbHZmcWF4Y2xsIiwicm9sZSI6ImFub24iLCJpYXQiOjE2Njg5OTUzOTgsImV4cCI6MTk4NDU3MTM5OH0.d_yYtASLzAoIIGdXUBIgRAGLBnNow7JG2SoaNMQ8ySg&select=amount&limit=10000&category=eq.CHARITY&created_time=gt.2024-04-01' | jq '[.[] | .amount] | add'

@chrisjbillington Not too surprising when they just told people they can donate $1,000 to charity today and pay just $109.99 in 8 days to get the same number of internet points back. That's a serious impact! It's fundamentally different than the $10k/month cliff event from the new year.

@Eliza it makes sense, I just thought people wouldn't care that much. Buying mana is not common, so I would guess not many are doing the calculus of planning to buy it back for cheap - I would guess more are planning on just not using the platform anymore, or are treating their net worth as so small after the devaluation that it's pretty much nothing regardless of whether they buy back in.

I also imagine some people don't think of donations as counterfactual. I don't, really.