FREE MANA: Will 20 free profit opportunities be shared and taken by the end of July?
Aug 1

[experimental market]

What is this market for? It's for users that have a hard time being profitable on manifold, but would like to still make profits with their mana. Experienced users can help with this, and hearing their reasoning can help you improve your reasoning around market probabilities.

Check the comments. Experienced traders will sometimes share markets that are mispriced, ie you can profit on them by betting your mana. These traders might not find it worthwhile to bet on these markets because they resolve in too much time, or because they have better markets to spend their mana on (Risk-free interest rates != 0).

If you bet on a market because of a comment below, you are encouraged to state this, and tip the person that wrote the comment with 20% to 40% of the profits you made because of them. If you take all the "alpha" (fix the shared market to the correct price), you should say that so that others don't waste their time on that market.

This is a beginner friendly market, so you are welcome to ask questions. Some example might be "I think this market (with a link) is super overpriced, for this or that reason. Can someone let me know if they think I'm wrong?". If you have further questions, the [manifold discord]( is great for this.

Some extra details:

  • If someone lies to steal people's mana, by saying false things about markets to enrich themselves, they will be banished and shamed. I'll also probably close this market and consider the experiment a failure.

  • If I consider a comment with a free mana claim to be wrong but not malicious, I reserve the right to hide this comment so others don't see it.

  • Please do not break site rules! Do not trick people into giving you quick profits at their expense.

  • If you consider a free-mana claim to be wrong, comment under it with your reasoning. We can discuss the merits of it if they are uncertain.

Resolution Criterion: If 20 profit opportunities are shared, and someone comments under them saying they have taken them (without lying about this), before August, the market resolves YES.

Tipping tutorial: Press the ... at the top of a comment, you will see this menu:

You can click Tip and select the amount you want to send.

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This is 0%—Inside Out 2 has already passed it, and will probably roughly ~double its gross within the next two months. But it resolves at end of year.

I see many free profit opportunities being shared, but I don't see many being taken. Do I understand correctly that if fewer than 20 opportunities are being taken, the market will resolve NO?

(Also, to prevent abuse, it should not count if, for example, I were to just go and take all open opportunities, because this market is specifically for "users that have a hard time being profitable on Manifold".)

Should sum up to 500% – but was 653% the last time I checked.

currently 863%

not free per se because ties resolve to two yesses but i feel like an 80% surplus is too much


bought Ṁ200 YES

the "It will [not] resemble a cake AND it will taste [good/bad]" option set should add up to 100%

At the time of writing, there is a 5-point difference for Trump between the following two markets:

If anything, the probability in the lower market should actually be higher or at least equal.

The probabilities currently add up to 112% in this market:

116% at the moment…

is it not possible that many of these resolve YES if there's some kind of collaboration? idrk

You bring up a valid point.

The open question is whether
«both “university” and “private company” bets might share the payout»
«the probabilities should add up to 100%».

82 members in 12 hours already; right about guaranteed 5% return at the moment, with the resolution likely to come within 48h.

EDIT: it's a plus market so despite the 95% odds, there is enough subsidy for ~45k in YES bets still

Given that there are submitted proofs for goldbachs conjecture that are becoming more and more accepted and (I think) remain only to be computationally verified in some areas, this market should eventually resolve Yes, meaning the remaining percentage is pure profit.

I'm not allowed to bet in this market because I'm the author and it's subjective, but I think 50% is way too high.

Since you can only appeal Twitch bans every 6 months and he just got denied, there will be no more appeals before the market close. Free mana at a decent ~3-4% monthly return at the moment

opened a Ṁ4 NO at 99.0% order

There's a few that are certain or near certain to resolve one way

This market is guaranteed to resolve NO

if he dies, would it not stop?

I made this market to manipulate

that's evil! LOL