Will Congress approve another Ukraine aid package this year?
resolved Jan 1

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Since the creator has deleted their account, this market is now going to get resolved by mods and therefore should get clarifications and support from the mod team.

After some discussion on the discord, I've decided that "aid package" is clearly more specific than "aid". This market will resolve based on the supplemental aid package or a bill like it, not the NDAA.

predicted YES

bought Ṁ30 of YES

predicted NO

So I guess the creator of this market deleted their account?

predicted NO

@JackD Does this mean it will be resolved by mods if the account remains deleted? If so, would it just resolve N/A (assuming NDAA passes and no other Ukraine aid passes) since it seems ambiguous as to whether the NDAA counts?

@JackD Amazing. Why does this keep happening? We're actually a pretty nice community as far as most prediction markets go.

predicted NO

@JackD Edit: I probably should have figured that out earlier.

predicted YES

@JackD Yeah there’s precedent for N/Aing stuff like this but it sucks

bought Ṁ100 of NO

If there's an opportunity to bet on the US Congress not acting in a critical time of need, gotta take it

bought Ṁ100 of YES

I re-reversed my position because they delayed the holiday recess specifically for this.

predicted NO

@Panfilo https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-heads-holiday-recess-long-list-left-undone/story?id=105663956

Still don’t know how it will play out or how it will resolve if it doesn’t get passed.

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@parhizj I am not 90% on the senate passing it, but I am 90% on the House getting called back if they do. It’s bipartisan urgent military spending, after all.

predicted NO
predicted NO

@Panfilo I don’t know what the rules are exactly but this I think would require for the President to call a special session if they do hammer an agreement out in the senate. I don’t know if the speaker is obligated to agree or not, and he could always say that the agreement wasn’t good enough (wanted HR2 passed, not whatever watered down agreement was passed in the senate)

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@MarkHamill Hmmm a Republican saying "happy holidays" eh

predicted NO

@AviS it’s late in the game but could you please confirm that this is asking about the supplemental aid package (and that the NDAA would not qualify). There is another question where this was or may have been just changed.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@parhizj Without a description I don't see why the current legislation wouldn't qualify just because it doesn't have package in the name.

predicted NO

@Panfilo AFAIK Almost all the funding for Ukraine has been appropriated through these supplementals.

The title says another Ukraine aid package. I interpreted that to mean the supplemental. This is why I am taking this and the other market to be so frustratingly confusing why it could be interpreted otherwise .

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@parhizj You could be right but without qualifications in the title I just see the definitions as implicitly broad.

bought Ṁ200 of NO

@Panfilo I actually reversed my position due to a convo about what counts as a "package" vs. just any aid or funding on discord.

bought Ṁ300 of NO

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