Will @ManifoldDream have received more than M$1000 in tips in a week?
resolved Oct 26

Resolves to yes if by close date, @ManifoldDream's tipped balance exceeds M$1000 (aka total balance of M$2000 or more

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predicted NO

@GeorgeVii Out of curiosity, did you end up actually making a profit on this?

predicted YES

@IsaacKing As far as I can tell I made M$541 of profit 😛

That is, I don't know I have more net mana than I did before this market, but it never really mattered to me. I got profit at close to a 1:1 conversion rate with M$.
Idk what the exchange rate would be if there was one; but it would be significantly higher than 1 to 1 in my estimation.

predicted YES

@GeorgeVii 🤔 Maybe it would break manifold in some meaningful way if such a conversion did exist. I haven't much thought about it yet

predicted NO

@GeorgeVii Ah, I see. You were going for leaderboard profit, not net mana gain. I hadn't considered that.

predicted YES

No no, either Austin is screwing with me lol or these tips are taking hours to register

predicted YES

@GeorgeVii Oh there we go, whew! Thought I might have to quickly sell stuffs

predicted NO

Well it looks like I underestimated how much @GeorgeVii was willing to put in to this. Will probably need to spend 400 or 500 on tips before close get this to YES. Current position wins you 520-ish. So net 20 to 120 profit on like 4500 investment. Do you have a script to make the tips or will you manually curate which dreams are rewarded?

bought Ṁ20 of NO

Only two days left and the bot is less than halfway there - it looks like some whales might be speculating on someone unilaterally dumping in a bunch of M$ in tips? At a glance this can't possibly be that profitable of a strategy, but maybe whales are happy to pay eg M$1000 in tips to earn M$100 in profit...

bought Ṁ50 of NO

@Austin It won't take many NO bets before the amount to be made buying YES is greater than the cost to cause this market to resolve to YES.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@Austin Will you pledge to not tip the bot?

predicted NO

@wasabipesto No! But I don't plan on manipulating this market, I'll probably tip the bot once or twice whenever I see a particularly good image generated

predicted NO

@Austin I should also note that since @ManifoldDream has created a market, it will also get mana from unique traders (and already has received M$10 in that way, since the initial liquidity provision counts as such). Please make sure you subtract that value when calculating.

@wasabipesto Aren't unique trader bonuses retroactively removed when a market resolves N/A?

predicted NO

@IsaacKing That's a good question, I'm not sure!

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