Will Manifold Markets receive a grant from the Survival and Flourishing Fund's H1 2022 round?
resolved Dec 9

We're applying to https://survivalandflourishing.fund/sff-2022-h1-application ! Resolves YES if we win any amount of money from SFF. Reason's I'm low on this at the moment: - They seem to fund more established orgs (as based on the length of their application process) - We'd need to also get Rethink Charity's buy-in for their fiscal sponsorhip program, which I'd model individually as ~70% likely Close date updated to 2022-07-04 11:59 pm

Close date updated to 2022-09-15 11:59 pm

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predicted YES

We've now received the funds from SFF, through our new 501c3!

predicted YES

Our 501c3 application seems to have been approved by the state of Texas, so we can tentatively now receive the SFF funding?

bought แน€70 of YES
So apparently they approved $340k of charitable funding contingent on Rethink Priorities routing it to us?
predicted YES
@Austin Did you just re-open this and bet it up? Scammmm
predicted YES
Haha I actually think it'd quite reasonable? Closing a market =withdrawing liquidity, opening =reinjecting. It's all my liquidity anyways, and payouts are fixed, so it's not like anyone else is losing anything here
bought แน€20 of NO
Even though you deserve it.
bought แน€20 of NO
Zvi called Manifold "a mess" ๐Ÿ˜…
bought แน€5 of YES
After a good call + follow up from Rethink Charity, I'd raise the chances of their buy-in to 90%. (would be nice to have linked markets for this!) So 25% overall implies that there's a ~28% chance that SFF itself decides to fund us.
bought แน€1 of YES
Good luck ^_^