Taco Twosday 2/14: Will any couples form?
resolved Apr 28

This week, we're running a special singles mixer for Taco Tuesday Twosday! 26 singles (13 men and women) will be participating. From the event description:

Over the evening, we'll pair up participants to do an activity together, e.g.

- Board games

- Deep questions

- Cooking

And rotate between partners throughout the night.

At the end, you can privately indicate which of your partners you'd like to see again; if they also want to see you, we'll let you both know, reciprocity-style!

As organizers, @RachelWeinberg and I are very curious to see if any long-term couples will form from this event. Resolves YES iff in 3 months time, we hear of any couples (defined as two people confirming that they are dating each other) who say that Taco Twosday was a major factor in starting their relationship ❤ 🌮

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Confirmed via private message that one couple is now dating and credits Taco Twosday ❤ 🥳 🌮

(I'll leave the decision to announce their identity to them~)

predicted NO

@vlad Any news?

bought Ṁ25 of NO

@Alice His date-me doc is still featured prominently on his website: https://date.vlad.sitalo.org/

predicted YES

@derikk perhaps he has insider info on someone else?


bought Ṁ100 of YES

@AndrewG I don't like how you can't see when the comment or purchase was made

predicted NO

@Wobbles Just added it back for the comment, will try to add it for the bet as well!

missed out on saying towosday 😔