Will Bitcoin hit $77,777 before $55,555?
May 4

Start courting from market creation

Resolution according to Yahoo finance Historical data

Resolves Yes if Bitcoin hit $77,777 first

Resolves No if Bitcoin hit $55,555 first
Market close date will be extended as needed.

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Holy fucking 😤🍑 shit there ✔ are TOO 👌🙄 MANY BITCOIN 💰💲 MARKETS. I 👈 hope whatever 💯 the pivot involves will shift incentives to 👏👅 have fewer of them. Seriously, 😒 every fucking date, 👫🔕 every 😰 fucking 🏿 threshold, 🤝 there's 👌✔ a 😝😱 market. 🏦👽 ITS 👏🤳 A ☠ RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR. ⁉ Jesus, I 🚫😩 hate hate 😡 hate 😻 that 🚟😐 I'm incentivized to 😣👈 spend 💰 any time 🕖👌 at all thinking 🤔❓ about ♂ it. ✔😭 I 🍆💰 am 💰 going 😖 mad. 👏😤 MAKE 💰 IT 😼❔ STOP 🏿🛑

@AmmonLam Extend?

I think that Bitcoin will definitely touch $77,777. I also believe in Ethereum's growth. It is the most-stable and powerful ecosystem.

What do you think?