Will Barack Obama make 12 or more Twitter(X) posts in Mar 2024?
resolved Mar 30

Resolves Yes if Barack Obama makes 12 or more Twitter(X) posts in Mar 2024
Only Posts counts. Repost and replies do not count.

Note: A quoted post are still counted as a post, as long as it doesn't have a repost header.
[Edit: Note: threads count as one tweet]

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Thanks Obama

@Panfilo @HenriThunberg I will resolve this to Yes if you two have no objection

@AmmonLam makes total sense

bought Ṁ10,000 YES

@AmmonLam Can be resolved I think

opened a Ṁ1,000 YES at 60% order

Ṁ1000 YES limit order at 60%. I think Obama will make one more tweet.

@TychonNotos Not just last year, nearly every year:


And the last two have been at exactly 9am eastern time, suggesting this may have become policy for (what I assume is) his social media team.

Anyway yeah that's what I was betting on!

bought Ṁ50 YES

Two new ones since last count, so I think it’s 10 now.

This X display setup indeed makes it very tricky for traders including myself to count how many post Obama posted; it is not my intention to make this tricky or ambiguous.

I am not going to change the existing resolution criteria for this market; For future markets I will consider other resolution criteria that makes it easier for traders to count the number of posts

As @Weezing has demonstrated, sometimes a tweet that's part of a thread appears as an individual post in the main interface. Only after clicking into all individual posts to check the threads can one determine if a tweet is a standalone post or part of a thread.

For future markets, what could be a better resolution criterion? If the resolution counts all tweets within a thread as individual posts, that might be confusing or difficult to count, especially when a super long thread is posted. I'm open to suggestions; my goal is to create markets about the number of tweets that are easy to count and reduce ambiguity as much as possible.

@AmmonLam You don't have to click individual posts to see if they're part of a thread, right? You can see if he's replying to himself at the top of the tweet (and replies of any kind don't count in any case).

@chrisjbillington it's complicated. Sometimes a part of the thread doesn't have that "replying to" tag.

See this example below, it looks like an individual post, but turns out it is part of a thread

@AmmonLam That's the first post in the thread, though, so it would count, right? Unless it's shown twice in the feed (I only see it once).

@chrisjbillington sorry I posted the wrong image.

This is the first post in the thread

This is a middle part of the thread

@AmmonLam Oof, yes I see. I do see a "Replying to @BarackObama" above that one, but clearly that's not always the case.

This is what I found after going through the posts of Obama in Mar 2024, as of Mar 23rd, 8pm ET.
If you care about the resolution of this market, please check and let me know if you have any dispute on the post I listed below, or if you think I missed a post that is not a repost or replies












bought Ṁ20 NO

@AmmonLam He's at 9, the pin is a repeat!

@Panfilo ar good catch, yes the pin is a repeat, should be 9 total

@AmmonLam Number 5 and 6 are part of the same thread.

I just checked, @Weezing is correct in saying that number 5 and 6 are part of the same thread

This X display setup indeed makes it very tricky for traders including myself to count how many post Obama posted; it is not my intention to make this tricky or ambiguous.

I am not going to change the existing resolution criteria for this market; For future markets I will consider other resolution criteria that makes it easier for traders to count the number of posts

@AmmonLam - Based on your current criteria, what would you say his current number of March2024 posts is, if you were to quickly double-check and count right now?

I'm curious what you'd consider the current count to be, at the moment! :D

Just want to make sure I'm interpreting things correctly.

@PaintspotInfez going through it and counting it now