Will Manifold make it possible to follow individual traders rather than just communities by the end of April?
resolved May 1
This market resolves to YES if as of May 1 I can follow/friend/otherwise select an individual site user to follow for feed-curation purposes.
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> Undox ($10 No): they are now removing features to make things less confusing Anything that hurts the onboarding experience is liable to get cut or hidden, but I think the ability to follow users is pretty unobtrusive.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
(oops, final comment is from me not JS)
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Some discourse between me and JS: JS: Any reason manifold doesn't have a 'follow' feature? Me: We don't have a principled reason against it; mostly just inertia. If I could snap my fingers and have it implemented I would; it's just technical complexity we'd have to figure out. Curious, is this something that would be notably useful to you? JS: Somewhat, but tbh I don't think it would lead me to spend much more time on manifold, or create/predict on more markets Me: Yeah I guess we're not at the scale such that it'd help yet. Most of our power users get by just seeing "all markets, newest first" because we just don't have that many JS: The best case for it now is if you got eg an email notification for when someone you follow created a new market, because you might have missed it otherwise
bought Ṁ10 of NO
If anything they are now removing features to make things less confusing. Communities and loans for example
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Not quite an arbitrage opportunity, but I think this is the sort of feature that will either be easy enough to be done in a month, or hard enough that it'll left for more than two months. I am not a computer programmer, but I'm guessing the former.
bought Ṁ10 of NO
I have no idea of the probability but by buying no the developers can profit by doing this and buying yes.