Will I complete at least ten sculptures in 2023?
resolved Jan 9

I've never made a successful sculpture in my life.

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predicted YES

Yay! Let's goooo

predicted NO

Pls resolve I need to bet more or know that I can’t bet more thx

predicted NO
predicted YES

Sculpture nine is done. That leaves just the tenth sculpture, which needs to be figurative for these two markets to resolve yes. I’ve been avoiding this last sculpture for long enough.

I’ll likely be offline for the remainder of the year and won’t trade in this market until it resolves.

3 traders bought Ṁ750 YES

@Alice Best of luck!

predicted YES

There’s a piece I disliked so much I never counted it, because I was going to scrap it. I threw it in a sale last-minute and to my surprise, it sold. So now that its buyer is presumably going to keep it in existence, I’ll count that as the replacement for number seven, which I am going to destroy.

Believe in yourself, and keep working hard, you got this

predicted YES

@JonnathanDasani Thanks! I finished and fired sculpture six this week.

predicted NO

Is ten a particular goal of yours? Would you speedrun the last seven just to make this market resolve YES?

predicted YES

@Conflux Most ceramicists specialize in either wheel-throwing or hand-building, and mastering both seems to be rare. Since I mostly throw, my goal is to give ceramic sculpture an honest try. So I’d like to get to ten!

predicted YES

If I’m forced to choose between my sculpture-related goals and climbing-related goals as I run low on time, I’ll prioritize climbing because I was awarded a scholarship and can’t let down the people supporting me. Excluding travel days, I really only have 13 or 14 days left this year to sculpt. So the pressure’s on.

predicted YES

I’m currently sick and can’t go into the studio to rescue in-progress work that’ll probably be bone dry by the time I get back.

predicted YES

@Alice Are you recovering well? Any updates?

predicted YES

@Anurag It’s not great. I’m not optimistic about being able to do anything over Thanksgiving.

I finally went back to the studio and my pieces were fine, thanks to the winter temperatures! I have my fifth sculpture waiting to be fired.

predicted YES

@Alice Let's gooooo

predicted YES

My fourth sculpture is in progress. I’m working with a micaceous clay that seems prone to cracking and I’ll smoke fire this piece, so the chance of failure is high.

@Alice You guy this

predicted YES

@Anurag Thanks, I’m having a full-on existential crisis every time.

predicted YES

My fourth sculpture survived the bisque firing with no cracks. This bison just needs to go through a smoke firing now.

predicted YES

@Alice I am excited, any update?

predicted YES

@Anurag I started a small seventh sculpture but hate it. I’ll give it another day or two before I scrap it. Sculpture eight is in progress and will take another day to carve.

predicted YES

@Alice let's goooo

bought Ṁ50 YES from 50% to 53%
predicted NO

@Alice Do you have a website where we can see you sculptures? Especially if any of them are for sale?

@BTE I really should, but publicly sharing my work is even more existential-crisis-inducing than staring at a block of clay trying to start a new sculpture. Sorry. Here’s a bad picture of number five though.

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