Will the S&P 500 close higher on June 30th than it closed on June 29th?
resolved Jun 30

Closes 2pm EDT. NYSE closes 4pm EDT.

Resolves according to the display at https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.INX:INDEXSP at the end of the day.

This market is part of the Goode's S&P Forecasting tournament for the month of June. At the end of the month top traders are eligible for a prize.

| Rank | Prize |
| 1    | 1000  | 
| 2    | 750   | 
| 3    | 250   |

Good luck forecasting!

Get Ṁ200 play money

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predicted YES

And the winners are:
@Haws @DonaldWithman and @NicoDelon
Thank you all for participating!

If you message me on discord I'll sent you the manalinks

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Is it broke, or do I not understand? I spent 400 on yes, but under "positions" it says my payout is M362 on yes.

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@TeddyWeverka The positions tab usually takes some time to update. It's correct now

bought Ṁ25 of YES

Last day of the tournament. Should we do a new one next month?

bought Ṁ30 of NO

@AlexbGoode Absolutely! I enjoyed these markets a great deal, and I personally believe that with time the way people bet here will change, which would be interesting to see. I was also thinking that it could be pretty cool to add some weekly (or daily?) volatility derivative markets, that try to predict weather there will be big moves or if the market will go sideways. I would be down to curate them, but I understand if you would want to keep the tournament as is.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@AlexbGoode i earned most of my mana on these markets in the last week.

For me it provides a low-risk opportunity to learn how it feels to trade on volatility and how it is impossible to predict the market. I like what i earn and learn here and would be very glad to continur to do so for another month.

predicted YES

@ScipioFabius Adding a few more markets to the tournament would be nice. But I think another set of daily markets might be too much. Maybe weekly? Should we discuss what markets you'd like to do on discord?

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@AlexbGoode Yes, I will write to you on discord sometime soon!