Will the phrase "resolution risk" appear in the April 4, 2022 ''Mantic Monday'' column?
resolved Apr 6
Apparently quite a few people don't understand what the phrase "resolution risk" means.
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So apparently there was no Mantic Monday column yesterday. Now THAT is an example of a resolution risk. Going to wait to see if there is "Mantic Monday (on a Tuesday)" on Tuesday, and will otherwise resolve as N/A.
bought Ṁ1 of NO
I reckon I could risk a mana on an AP market.
bought Ṁ1 of NO
Non-accidental irony
bought Ṁ1 of YES
warning: this user fraudulently resolved https://manifold.markets/AlexPower/letter-frequency-in-the-march-25th In https://manifold.markets/AlexPower/letter-frequency-in-the-march-25th you explicitly commented > I did so bad with the hint, I think I may just steal all the money. I will think it over for an hour first. then almost immediately after you resolved market assigning 90% to correct answer and 10% to false, which you bought and caused you to earn Manifold points from fraudulent resolution