As the great Josef Lhevinne once said 2 hours of practice is the bare minimum to achieve great artistry. Since college app is now over, I am now free to pursue whatever I want, and I have made this my primary goal.
The "weekly average" is calculated by summing up the # of hours from every Sunday to Monday and dividing by 7, this way we can ignore the days where I can't find time to practice due to schedule conflicts.
"Practice" refers to a period of time when my mind is solely focused on the music - if there is a single note played in a state of distraction, it does not count. A lesson with my teacher counts as practicing as well.
I still have school and I have to spend 2 hours on commute to school every day. My curriculum is challenging with a fair amount of work, and I enjoy my classes, so I am incentivized to do well in them, but music is much more important than school, and that should come as my top priority. There is also a piano at my school which I can play on every morning.
If at any point the "weekly average" dipped below 2 hours, the market resolves no. Otherwise resolve yes at the end of the school year.
I will be keeping track of the amount of time I practice here:
Sunday: 3 hours 12 minutes
Monday: 2 hours exactly
Tuesday: 2 hours exactly
Wednesday: 1 hour 21 minutes
Thursday: 2 hours 5 minutes
Friday: 1 hour 3 minutes
Saturday: 2 hours
@AlexCao This concerns me. What if you forget about your goal and forget to resolve NO when you fail
@Conflux your concern is cringe because I never forget my goals. but starting today I will be logging my practice time in the comment section this way people can see