Will I be in a relationship with M****** on July 31 of 2024
Aug 1

That is approximately our 1 year anniversary! Things are going exceptionally well right now.

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Messaged her to get a coffee a few days ago, she hasn't responded. But I feel great having gotten some of my feels off my chest.

I still miss her but we broke up for deep communication issues and slight misalignments of values.
We'll be at the same festival next week but I don't see us getting back together ever.

Apologies for the lack of activity here! This didn't go well.

I haven't been active on Manifold in a while. We broke up in February, so it's not looking likely.

2 traders bought Ṁ55 NO

alex we seem to be in relatively similar circumstances. (Open relationship, almost the same anniversary)

@Vespie limit order in solidarity

sold Ṁ13 YES

@Vespie I hope yours is going better than mine did :)

predicts YES

She's traveling to Texas while I'm in Montana for Thanksgiving.

predicts YES

We're doing really well. I think this market is substantially under confident

@Alex lol

predicts YES

We are in an open relationship but we are considering becoming mono as of today.

In retrospect, base rate in Open Relationships is probably much lower than monogamous relationships

predicts YES

She is traveling for the next 3 months