resolved Jul 15
JD Vance
Vivek Ramaswamy
Nikki Haley
Tim Scott
Kristi Noem
Kari Lake
Elise Stefanik
tucker carlson
Marjorie Taylor Green
Ben Carson
Nancy Mace
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Burgess Owens
"Gen." Michael Flynn
Doug Burgum
Tulsi Gabbard
Ron DeSantis
Lee Zeldin
Megyn Kelly
Ivanka Trump

If Trump doesn't win the primaries, this would resolve N/A

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bought Ṁ3,500 JD Vance YES

yes @mods inactive creator

Bruh. That rally was such a tease. It’s still clearly Rubio, though. Too many hints, most explicitly:

>Trump says Marco Rubio might not be in congress to vote for his no tax on tips policy, hinting he could be serving as VP instead.

“Marco you’re going to vote for it, I hope. You may or may not be there to vote for it, but you’ll be involved.”

He also mentioned Rubio’s name a dozen times, sent out a campaign text about possibly choosing his VP, reserved front row seats for Rubio’s family…

My read is that he’s warming his base up to Rubio. He wants it to land warmly at the convention.

fascinating interpretation - I came out of it thinking it's not Rubio because he really likes to tease and I felt like the more mentions, the less likely

sold Ṁ189 Answer #f7b63836345a NO

I think he might just truly hate Rubio and all of this might be a bit of a ploy to make him look stupid before not giving him the VP spot

I've thought about this more and tbh, Trump is a reality show star. calling Rubio out by name so many times during the rally is peak reality show "on the next episode..." teaser fuel. people tune in next week and surprise! it's not Rubio at all and they show the guy doing a walk of shame off the show entirely or something.

Of the four:
Scott: attracts Black/Hispanic/Christian/Jewish voters, can source donor money, relatively incompetent (imo)

Burgum: boring, won't steal Trump's limelight, competent, good looks, wealthy/can source donor money

Vance: former nevertrumper, inexperienced, will steal the limelight from Trump, clearly harbors his own ambitions, bad looks

Rubio: Florida, former nevertrumper, opens ticket to establishment wing, will steal the limelight from Trump, competent, good looks

Scott > Burgum > Rubio > Vance . Got a lot on this one.

The most important criteria, though, are about the future.

Trump needs someone to assist him in his coup attempt in '28, whether it be by attempting to change the Constitution or setting up the Supreme Court to invalidate the election or appointing sympathetic generals in the military. He doesn't want to make the same mistake twice, as he did with Pence, and people would be ready for obvious ploys like trying to take over the Capitol again.

I would imagine that it might be easier for him to rig an election (by, for example, changing elector laws in Republican states) and turn it for his chosen successor. That way, he has an ideological coup instead and his legacy carries on, and it would be just fair enough that the public wouldn't overthrow the government.

Of these four, Marco Rubio is not a die-hard ideological Trump supporter - after all, he had major issues with Trump in the 2016 debates. I see Rubio as breaking with Trump immediately and setting himself up to return to a more normal situation in four years. Scott seems like the best choice, and I would be on him, because he's been kissing up to Trump for months, having completely changed his attitude since the primaries.

I hope you're being facetious re. a coup attempt, but it's a good way to visualize things regardless.

"Who would be most willing to cooperate with Trump in the event that he wants a coup?"

Tim Scott would likely lack the foresight and willpower to disagree with the president in that case, whereas other people, like Burgum/Rubio/Vance, would be intelligent enough to know that's it's simply insane.

@MarsMartian do you have insider info? Haha

Underrated Burgum bet opportunity hiding here!

One more point on Rubio: He’s by far the most vetted. He ran a competitive presidential campaign, so all his dirty laundry has already been aired (and there’s not much of it). He’s also been a high profile senator for a decade. Burgum would be almost entirely irrelevant until being tapped as VP. Who’s to say that he won’t have a scandal come to light?

Makise KurisuboughtṀ20Answer #23430c21fcba YES

@FoxKHTML He's probably the best candidate for Trump to open up his campaign to the establishment wing, however, he has a complicated residence issue as explained here:

@MakiseKurisu All Rubio needs to do is change his residency to DC. That’s it. He can still remain a FL senator.

Ron DeSantis
bought Ṁ5 Ron DeSantis YES

Ronnie & Donnie

@Kolyin lol, that's quite a desperate attempt to be noticed

@hominidan I don’t think she wants to be his VP and is tanking on purpose.

seems like the reasons for putting down the dog are arguably valid and the guardian pearl clutching is irrelevant to her base. If she’s contemplating her own run later then this probably raises her chances. At this early stage any press even bad press helps her, as trump proved in 2016

@JonathanRay I agree but the explicit mention "I shouldn't be mentioning this" does make it seem plausible to me that she thinks she's playing 3D chess by trying to attract negative attention of the liberals around a story that could actually demonstrate something like will to do the necessary / empathetic toughness

@JonathanRay Completely agree that she's trying to be tactical, but I don't think this will impress many families in red states. Her later story about putting down horses is more that sort of thing, maybe, but I'm guessing most hunters and ranchers will look at this and think she just bungled the dog's training or handling. Pointing out that the kids apparently thought of it as a pet really makes her look bad to most people, too.

I think it affects her odds because if this gets any real legs, Trump will see it as undercutting the reasons he might pick her. He's already strong with the MAGA crowd. He likely wants a VP who can move the needle with swingier voters. Noem trying to prove how callous she can be by bragging about shooting the family pet doesn't really make her sound like a good fit for that role.

@Kolyin Trump in 2016 was a vulgar new york businessman who had been soft on abortion so in he picked pence partly to balance out his ticket with a christian social conservative, who is in most ways farther right than he is. But 2016 the primary was more competitive and in 2024 he doesn't need to balance out his ticket relative to the median republican so idk what his strategy, if any, would be. Perhaps a boring respectable lady VP would sway some swing voters.

the more of a nobody his pick is, the more that nobody owes him and can be expected to be loyal to him. Probably why he picked pence in 2016. Throw a dart at a list of republican governors.

Makise KurisuboughtṀ100Nikki Haley YES

Would you guys be surprised if I told you that Chris Christie was favoured for VP in 2016 before Trump ultimately heeded advisors' calls for Pence?

@MakiseKurisu Trump keeps saying it won't be Haley though

@Joshua He needs to focus on his immediate threat (winning the GOP primary), but once Haley endorses him and things settle down, she'll begin to look like a very real possibility for VP. Trump called DeSantis "DeSanctimonious" until he finally dropped out. There is a chance that she simply isn't selected, but of all of the existing options, Haley would be the strongest for Trump