Will male height be correlated (more than 0.1) with any sexual fetish in the data from my kink survey?
resolved Jun 11
I tested for ~300 sexual fetishes (though many of them were questions that only appeared conditional on previous questions). I also asked about gender (including trans/cis) and height. The question is, will height in biological males correlate with interest in any sexual fetish? (Not adjusting for any confounders, but I do plan on throwing out things that seem underpowered/sus for any reason, such as realizing people were severely misinterpreting a question answer) Sample size in this dataset so far is around 11,000 (most of them male) Will resolve this market when I finally get all the data cleaned up to look at it, giving myself a month time limit (though likely much sooner)
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Looooooooool. Glad I didn't bet.
predicted YES
Just for fun, if the true correlations were all 0, the probability would be about 10^-22. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_correlation_coefficient#Using_the_exact_distribution
Do you (would statisticians in general) consider a correlation with the absolute value of the difference from the mean height a 'correlation with height'?
A you normalizing height?
bought Ṁ25 of YES
Quite likely, not necessarily due to any real connection but due to the fact that if you ask about that many variables you're bound to get a few apparent correlations just from a statistical standpoint.
bought Ṁ10 of NO
@MattPrice This depends a lot on sample size.
predicted YES
@Aella For sure. And just to confirm, when you say "more than 0.1" in the question, are you talking about p-value or effect size?
@MattPrice the R I presume
Does this question also cover negative correlations or just positive correlations?
I think yes. Male height is correlated with a lot of things.