In my survey about virtuousness, will people rank "their mother", "a dog", or "yourself" as more virtuous?
resolved Jun 12
Your mother
A golden retriever dog
You yourself

In an ongoing survey, I am asking people to rate around 100 items for how 'virtuous' (good/moral/ethical) test takers find them.

Three of the items are 'your mother', 'a golden retriever dog', and 'you yourself'.

Which one of these three items will receive the highest rating, on average?

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Huh. I figured "a golden retriever dog" would win because a depressingly high percentage of people have been abused by their own parents, while the percentage who have been attacked or hurt by a golden retriever must be very low.

I wonder if some of it is a result of people not attributing "virtue" to a dog in the same way they would to a human, under the assumption that dogs aren't making choices based on morality. Which is fair enough, but several dogs I've known have shown sympathetic and empathetic tendencies, and no dog I've ever known has hit me on purpose or gaslighted me, so...dogs 1, my mom 0.

@evergreenemily That argument about whether people would be willing to attribute "virtue" to a dog is why I was afraid to go higher than 50-ish, even though initial gut reaction was about at where the market ended up

Genuinely surprised by this

bought Ṁ200 of A golden retriever dog

should have put "pitbull" to make it really interesting