Am I worried about drinking airline coffee?
resolved Oct 2

I had a conversation recently about whether or not I drink airline coffee. Apparently there is a history of airlines having dirty water. There are relevant EPA regulations as recent as 2008 (

I drink 3-4 cups of coffee everyday. I don't mind drinking "first wave coffee" ie preground drip or instant coffee. I fly anywhere from 5-10 times per year, and will order coffee if I'm on an early flight. I'm not someone who's afraid of bacteria or contamination generally, but I have irrational fears of ticks, diseases transmitted by ticks, and Naegleria fowleri (brain eating amoeba).

I've already decided how I feel about the risks involved with drinking airline coffee after my brief reading on the subject. Feel free to ask relevant questions about my food or personal habits, but I won't answer anything too close to the market question. You can also share facts or readings to try to sway my opinion, but I don't expect my predetermined opinion to change.

Resolves Friday this week. I will not bet on this market.

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