Will my parents give me our old car in the next 6 months?
May 12

Note: I just bet 500 on “No” as a hedge. I think the probability is well above .8% so there is manna to be made here.

Toyota Camry, something like 10 years old. Fucked up in various non-essential ways (sunroof broken, AC broken, maybe more?)

I’ve floated the idea in the context of them talking about getting a new car (in addition to their ~5 year old very functional CRV, and they seem more indecisive than for or against. FWIW my dad inherited it from his father a couple years ago, and they only rarely drive it (once a month, maybe less?)

By “give me the car” I mean a mutual understanding that I can take it wherever I’m living, not necessarily any formal legal transfer.

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