Will Twitter have a login wall on August 28?
resolved Aug 29

At approximately market close, I will visit the following page in an Incognito window: twitter.com/elonmusk/

If that redirects to a login page (or full screen pop-up) the market resolves YES. Otherwise it resolves NO.

If others are able to check at the exact close time and provide screenshots I will accept that as proof unless there's reason to believe it's fraudulent. Otherwise it will be based on whenever I check, even if that turns out to be a bit later than the exact close (could be up to 48 hours, though I'll try my best to be quicker than that).

Any changes to the login wall between now and close don't matter, just the end state at close time as described above. It doesn't matter whether the login page can be bypassed/dismissed.

Same rules as the previous version of this market:


  • Regarding "Fullscreen pop-up" -- any kind of modal pop-up that prevents interacting with the page content will count. If it's just a small pop-up on the side that can be ignored it won't count.

  • If Twitter no longer exists at market close this resolves N/A.

Context: https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/30/twitter-now-requires-an-account-to-view-tweets/

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predicted NO

Interestingly only some user accounts seem to be login walled; for instance I can access https://twitter.com/X and many other accounts (though sorted by most likes). Anyone know why this is?

predicted YES

@derikk Without the trailing slash there was never a redirect for me. Lucky I double checked the question url, almost threw 20M away

predicted NO

@something612 Good point. But even without the slash some accounts are walled, like https://twitter.com/Apple.

The saga continues:

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

Very likely resolves YES when you get a chance to check it @A

So far still login-walled it seems!