Will I PSA my PSAT?
Nov 10

Test day is tomorrow (Oct. 10). Results come out 3-4 weeks after testing.

Resolves YES if I qualify for National Merit (I'm in California). The PSAT is out of 1520, my hope is 1500+ for an easy test, 1490+ for a harder curve.

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predicts YES

did you psa

predicts NO

@lag it takes a long time for results to come out

predicts YES

have u gotten scores yet

bought Ṁ20 of YES

win this one.

predicts YES

Pretty sure I got < 2 questions wrong total

bought Ṁ0 of YES

I took a practice test today, scored 1500/1520 (2 wrong reading, 1 wrong math). If the test is the same difficulty/style, I'm pretty sure I can get a similar score if I can focus (so no passages about 1800 political disputes), but testing can be pretty fragile sometimes.