Will しん get a gf this year?
verifiable by me on 31/12
Some general questions:
What is your gender and sexual/romantic orientation?
What part of the world do you live in?
What is the size, gender balance, and relationship success rate of your friendship group?
Are you actively attempting to find someone, or planning to in the near future?
What dating methods do you intend to use?
What are your political views e.g. in terms of economics, government, and progressivism (particularly gender equality)?
What are your current free-time hobbies, and what topics do you enjoy chatting about, both for small talk and deep discussions?
Do you have any neurodivergence?
Do you find it difficult to enjoy the company of, compassionately care about, and trust people you meet?
Do any you have a date-me-doc? e.g. https://dateme.directory/
These questions vastly affect the odds in my opinion
Good luck :)
Here's a gentle nudge to go out of your way and do something you wouldn't normally do over the next 30 days. 😊 I'll take a 100 Mana order on YES.
good luck
Red flags: I'm a 31 yo kissless virgin. I've never had a real, proper job.
Green flag: I'm cute
Hope that helps.