Will make every effort to resolve each item based on available information from viewing the game, NFL.com, ESPN, bookmakers, Wikipedia, and other sources. If there is no credible source, will resolve N/A. Some items will take longer to resolve than others.
SUPER BOWL officially starts at X:XXpm ET
Most game related questions are self-explanatory and will be resolved based on the official stat sheet. Other questions will be resolved during the kickoff and postgame shows or based on information from credible sources. Just a reminder that the following questions and similar variations are related to the official Super Bowl game broadcast only.
Unauthorized person gets on the field of play
Unauthorized person touches midfield logo
Stadium blackout occurs
Altercation occurs between a player and a coach
Player shown eating a snack on the sideline
Player gets carted off the field
Head coach or player throws something on sideline in frustration
Player goes into the blue tent
Chains used to measure first down 1+ times
Player knocks non-player over on the sideline
Player spikes ball during a touchdown celebration
First touchdown celebration includes acrobatics
Live animal enters the field of play
Announcer says "x"
For the questions above, the following guidelines apply:
During official Super Bowl game broadcast on NBC only, does not include alternative broadcasts
Does not include kickoff show (anthems, coin toss), halftime, commercials or postgame show (trophy and award presentation)
Most questions are for the full duration of the game, which includes any OT periods. If the game goes into OT, questions only covering the OT periods will be tagged "OT." If the game does not end up going into OT, those "OT" specific questions will resolve NO.
This is meant to be a fun market. If you have any question about the interpretation of a question ask before participating in it, no exceptions.
If Super Bowl LX is canceled or does not occur, all questions will resolve NO.
I will try to resolve props as quickly as possible live during the game, however, I will be on mobile and it is not the best interface so it may take some time. If something does or does not happen and the question is not resolved in a timely manner, do not interpret it as a ruling one way or another and have it influence your decisions. I've either missed it or need to do further research after the game to confirm. I will attempt to have everything resolved on the night of Super Bowl Sunday, but give me a few days to take care of anything I may have missed. Thank you!