Will I get accepted to... [prop bets]
May 31
Any Ivy League university
2+ of [the Ivies + MIT + Stanford]
3+ of [the Ivies + MIT + Stanford]
A prime number of colleges
Any Ivy/MIT/Stanford off the waitlist
The college I ultimately attend, off the waitlist

Please keep this market private; don't send it to people or discuss it with anyone who isn't on the market! Maybe it’s irrational, but I've just been sort of anxious about making it for awhile now, and don’t want it to be super public.

Let me know if you have any other fun ideas for prop bets, I might add them!

I've compiled a table of relevant statistics about each college for forecasting. Feel free to ask questions, but I may opt not to answer them. Don't worry about the tiers, they're just my rough effort to quantify my interest in attending each of the colleges.

General App Information (god it feels weird to write this all out publicly)

  • Demographics: Bay Area male; upper-middle-class; legacy at Stanford

  • Achievement GPA: 5.0 (with advanced coursework, especially in math)

  • SAT: 1590 (800 math, 790 verbal) (still can't believe this, Black Book ftw)

  • APs: US History (5), Statistics (5), Calculus BC (5, with AB subscore 4 lmao), Physics C: Mechanics (4), Chemistry (4)

  • Activities: NYT-published puzzle creator; puzzlesforprogress.net; Camp Lemma / Strategy & Puzzles Camp counselor; Manifold miscellany; OPTIC coordinator; Yearbook Assistant Editor; piano lessons; LMI puzzle contest co-creator; Zephyr Philosophy Club; Proof linguistics minicourse TA

  • Honors: IOL first alternate; CDB scholar; NACLO invitational round qualifier; AIME qualifier; Manifold election forecasting tournament 3rd place

  • Recurring essay topics: puzzle creating; nice numbers; camp counseling and CS1 student teaching; my Ultimate Personal Spreadsheet; Manifold contributions; interdisciplinary academic interests. A theme is parlaying my intrinsic academic explorations into positive experiences for others

  • Recommenders: Kathy (counselor letter), Eric, Josh - all teachers I have good relationships with

  • General narrative: I definitely failed at a lot of productivity goals, and felt pretty bad as a result during the college app process. But I think the end product came out pretty good! We'll see...

I won't bet much, if at all, for the sake of my own well-being.

See also

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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bought Ṁ100 Answer #9e9ff85d4f8c NO

@traders Lots of decisions dropping on Thursday. Only a few days left to get in your last-minute bets!

@Conflux imagine copy and pasting your comment from another market

@AlexCao I guess it's kind of silly since the set of traders is so similar...oops

A prime number of colleges

I think we’re looking at something in the 10-15 range, which feels coinflippy

A majority (≥11) of colleges I applied to
bought Ṁ200 A majority (≥11) of ... YES

I’ve now been accepted to 10 colleges, waitlisted at 2, and rejected at 1. The remaining 7 colleges are the most difficult, but I think I’m likely to be accepted to at least 1…

UIUC for the math-CS joint major

"While we are unable to offer you admission to your first-choice major, we are able to offer you admission into your selected second-choice major."

BU with a merit scholarship

To be clear, bets like this aren’t conditional - this would resolve NO if BU rejects me

Any of {MIT, Stanford, Brown, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, CMU, Berkeley, CCS}

ok fine I was forced to bet NO on this because it was at 98.1% lmao

I don't know how to bet, but good luck!