The Humane League

$4,484.48 raised
49 supporters


The Humane League receives$0.00
The Humane League (THL) currently operates in the U.S., Mexico, the U.K., and Japan, where they work to improve animal welfare standards through grassroots campaigns, movement building, veg*n advocacy, research, and advocacy training, as well as through corporate, media, and community outreach. They work to build the animal advocacy movement internationally through the Open Wing Alliance (OWA), a coalition founded by THL whose mission is to end the use of battery cages globally.

donated $22.50

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donated $180.00

donated $10.40

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donated $4.66

donated $778.96

donated $100.00

donated $25.19

donated $66.69

donated $31.00

donated $18.05

donated $108.80

donated $404.00

donated $60.00

donated $100.00

donated $42.18

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donated $100.00

donated $280.00

donated $60.90

donated $2.25

donated $21.00

donated $6.40

donated $1.25

donated $1.00

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donated $1.25

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donated $80.00

donated $20.00

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