Will a Palestinian flag be visible during the Eurovision Song Contest finals?
resolved May 12

Eurovision organizers have said Palestinian flags wont be allowed and anyone who tries to bring a Palestinian flag or a sign with a political message will be stopped at the entrance by guards.

This question resolves YES if a Palestinian flag can be seen on TV during the Eurovision Song Contest finals broadcast.

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I watched the broadcast and I didn't see any Palestinian flags, and there's no news or social media posts indicating a flag was visible during the broadcast either, or at least I didn't find any. I'll keep it open for a while longer just in case, if nothing shows up I'll resolve NO.


This is from the semi-finals. Not from live broadcast AFAIK, but still clearly possible to get flags in. Remains to be seen how good they are at editing. They probably have a little bit of delay in the broadcast to be able to remove stuff. I think this is normal, to prevent stuff like showing people storming the stage.

There is also a non-zero chance of some kind of terror act preventing the final all together, although I don't think it moves the needle much.

Would face paint count?

@arbitrary As long as it can be recognized as a Palestinian flag, yes. In some cases it could be very subjective whether something can be recognized as a Palestinian flag, so I'll wait for a bit before resolving in case there's some discussion about it.

See also /catto/will-at-least-one-propalestinian-pr for a slightly different question, more difficult in that someone needs to enter the stage but also less restrictive since it's not only about the flag.

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