What books will Kongo enjoy reading? [Add answers]
Dec 31
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I have not read a lot of fiction books. After I got interested in science at school the majority of what I've read were articles, encyclopedias.

Here is my top:

  1. Gödel, Escher, Bach

  2. The Selfish Gene

  3. Thrawn trilogy

  4. Harry Potter and methods of rationality

  5. Foundation

Those 5 set a level which should be reached by a new book for it to resolve YES. The person who suggested such will get 10 mana.

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@SirSalty could sb delete this question, please? I do not think anyone will be paying 250 mana to give a recommendation, because even when it was 25 no action happened.

What if I submit something you've already read?

@asmith If I remember it, it will resolve it to 100% or 0%. Else NA.

To be clear, are you seeking fiction now?

@Stralor indifferent, i may read any genre