What should the Biden campaign be doing right now to increase their chances of winning the election?
Dec 8
Explicitly and relentlessly accuse Trump of wanting to cut social security & medicare benefits
The campaign should put a lot more focus on Abortion policy specifically.
Biden should reschedule weed before the election.
Biden should step aside from the nomination before the convention, regardless of what Harris does.
Tell voters that Republicans might take away IVF access if given the chance and remind them of the deceptive confirmation hearings of Trump’s Supreme Court appointees, who claimed Roe v. Wade was settled precedent only to overturn it.
Biden should be hammering home major policy wins: drug price caps, major upgrades to public transit, continued economic strength as compared to countries like UK/Germany.
The campaign should put a lot more focus on big, bold general healthcare policy like lowering the Medicare age or creating generic pharmaceuticals.
Form a plan against backdoor threats to the election process like unfaithful electors and legal challenges
The campaign should talk about Trump's legal troubles a lot more.
Biden should take action at the border with big executive orders.
Biden should step aside from the nomination at the convention itself to allow for a last-minute switch to someone else
Create a dramatic Supreme Court confirmation fight right before the election to maximize the salience of abortion
Repeal some Trump tariffs and highlight disinflationary effects of doing do.
Biden should pivot hard on Israel policy, strongly condemn Netanyahu and push harder for a ceasefire.
Campaign hard on supporting a constitutional amendment overturning Trump v. United States (the immunity case)
Biden should give up on banning assault weapons
Biden should do a lot more media appearances.
Biden should try to appeal to RFK Jr. Voters
The campaign should put a lot more focus on big, bold economic policy like wealth taxes or universal basic income.
Take a look at conditional political markets on Manifold to get insights about what increases their chance of winning

Biden seems to be losing. What should his campaign be doing about this? Submit your own answers, and you'll get trader bonuses when others trade on them.

This market will resolve after the election based on my opinion of what the Biden campaign should have been doing in March onwards to make a dem win more likely. Even if a democrat does win, this market will resolve based on what I think they could have been doing now to make that win more likely.

Advice I wouldn't send back in time resolves NO, advice I would send back in time resolves YES. If it's a really tough call I may resolve an option to N/A, but more likely I would opt to resolve to NO if I'm not sure.

  • Please submit only a single piece of advice per answer, ideally one sentence.

  • Try to keep advice strongly worded, like telling Biden to do a lot more or a lot less of something instead of slightly more or slightly less. Don't submit "keep doing what you're doing", I've got one option to cover that already.

  • Be aware of trade-offs in your advice. If you tell the campaign to focus more on one thing, it means they'll focus less on other things.

  • Keep the advice unambiguous, requiring no clarification in the comments. All the information should be in the option itself.

Please try to avoid duplicating other submissions. I may N/A submissions for quality control.

While this does resolve to my opinion, I will probably take a very outside view approach to resolution. If respectable political analysts like Nate Cohn and David Shor all say that "Biden should have done X" then I will probably resolve the option "Do X" to YES. If you want a model of my own biases nonetheless, imagine that I am Barack Obama.

Note that any advice to the Biden campaign would also be counted as advice to anyone else who hypothetically replaced Biden as the nominee.

I'm setting the resolution date for December, but may postpone if I still want to wait for more thorough postmortems, like this one.

These rules should be considered to be in Draft Form until this disclaimer is removed. I may update the exact resolution rules if anyone has suggestions for improvements within the spirit of the market.

I will not trade on this market.

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I like how you N/A’d a couple of options as if most remaining aren’t just as deranged

bought Ṁ10 Answer #837996a03696 YES

This is actually a good strategy. It would discourage potential Biden voters from voting for Kennedy instead while encouraging potential Trump voters to do so. Anyone who would be discouraged from voting for Kennedy by this ad will likely switch to Biden, and anyone who decides to vote for Kennedy because of the ad would have otherwise voted for Trump

Build abundant low-cost housing.

bought Ṁ50 Answer #8dfb5a365b64 YES

Why are both "Biden should step aside" options that mention was Harris does way lower than the main "Biden should step aside" option?

@TimothyBandors Feels like this could easily backfire

Biden should step aside from the nomination at the convention itself to allow for a last-minute switch to someone else
bought Ṁ50 Biden should step as... YES

I feel that this one seems undervalued at present

I thought the actual convention nomination was going to be virtual before the meatspace one because of the ballot deadline in a couple of states, including Ohio.



bought Ṁ20 Answer #1911c91f8e4a NO


Liberals think the answer to everything is to talk even more about abortion. At this point, Biden is practically a one-issue candidate. Everyone has heard the pitch. He needs a new issue. Biden has abortion, but Trump has a strong hold on the economy, immigration, foreign policy, and crime.

Biden should step aside from the nomination before the convention, regardless of what Harris does.
bought Ṁ50 Biden should step as... NO

How could quitting increase Biden's chances of winning? It could increase the Dems chance of winning though.

This market will resolve after the election based on my opinion of what the Biden campaign should have been doing in March onwards to make a dem win more likely.

Market description doesn't say "a Biden win", it says "a dem win".


bought Ṁ10 Answer #f0d30351d1ef YES

I hate that this might be effective

bought Ṁ50 Answer #d6515226a20f YES

This one just seems like a no brainier. Replace Harris with a popular swing state governor and you've gone a long way to defang the "Biden too old" thing. "Oh no I'm scared the real power behind the throne is Jared Polis" is a great ad.

@ShakedKoplewitz This will cause defections from voters of color (which polls are already showing)

@SaviorofPlant I don't think Harris is particularly popular among black people (in general, just having a token minority as your running mate does have a history of working well, unless it's someone genuinely charismatic like Obama).

@ShakedKoplewitz I think this "history of working well" is a spectacular example of something that's going to wear out soon, just like how people criticized black side characters during the 2010s and demanded black main characters instead.

Novelty doesn't wear off fast, but after decades the subsequent generations gets tired of the paradigm and demand further optimization. That's a big part of how it goes.

@SaviorofPlant RFK not a factor in this election

@NivlacM If he gets even 2% of the vote pulling disproportionately from either party, that could swing states. The combined third-party vote in 2016 was greater than Trump's margin in the Rust Belt.

Yeah think I'm gonna N/A this one as completely outside the overton window 😂

@Joshua Although if I wasn't N/A-ing it for space, it would very obviously resolve No. I'm gonna set the market to sort by New so people can notice stuff like this more easily.

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